Wednesday, December 4, 2013

How to grease a bouncer and get in anywhere

Step #1:  Go to the place on an off night and learn everyone's name and a tidbit.  Start with the bouncer, walk over to him and make small talk and get his name.  Chat up your bartender and give them a nice tip.

Step#2:  Go to the place when it is semi busy and have 20 dollars in your hand per person.  I would start off with just you and one other person to get a feel of what kind of pressure the doorman deals with and how he handles the money transaction.

Step#3:  Have the money in your hand and go right in for the handshake and say his name and "What's up." Any door man worth his shit knows the routine and wants people to be cool.

A few notes:

I usually stand like across the street at first or far away just to get a feel and assess.  Once you make your approach DO NOT GET IN LINE.  You do not want the people in line to become familiar with you or have any chance to bust your chops.  Get out of the cab, and go right to the bouncer guy and be cool with the handshake money transaction.

This is so easy but most people are losers and have no idea how things work.  Oh there is a line? I am just going to get in the back of it and hope it moves.  This is what 95% of people do and it baffles me.  The doorman want you to be cool and want to make money. After a little while he will just recognize you and appreciate you knowing the deal and will let you in with more people and perhaps no money.

You can follow me on twitter @thedavewise

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